Little ways to save money that you probably haven’t thought of yet!

Little ways to save money that you probably haven’t thought of yet!

Another day, another post on how to save money right? But lets face it, we are all saving our pennies now where we can in the hopes we can spend them all in the summer on holidays, pub trips, weekends away and shopping in actual real life shops. Ah what memories!

One thing I have had to spend a lot more money on is printing stuff at home. I am firmly in the ‘print this at work’ camp so now I’ve had to print things myself, I am resenting every single Amazon Return slip I print out!!

But here are some more little ways to save money that you probably haven’t thought of yet!

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Ways to Save Money at Home (that actually work)

Ways to Save Money at Home (that actually work)

We’ve recently moved house and lord let me tell you what an expensive process that is. All those little niggly bits and pieces add up but we have managed to offset the expenses by making choices at home to save money.

We used Enviroclothes very handy doorstep collection service to get rid of all our old clothes that we didn’t need any more and instead of paying the Council to come and collect furniture we didn’t need and couldn’t take to the tip, we listed them on Facebook Marketplace and sold it on to people who came to collect, both of which saved us time and expense of getting rid of things and made us some extra cash in the process.

Today, we have a few more tips on saving money at home

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Ways to simplify some of your business processes

It’s 2020, the year of lockdowns, furloughs and the side hustle. Whether it’s selling your art work, to dog walking or setting up that catering business you’ve always dreamed of, it’s important to keep your hard earned hustle cash sorted and safe.

I am a bit guilty of over complicating my side-hustle and trying to keep up an Admin schedule that would put the HMRC to shame.

I could do with some of these tips myself, to simplify running my business!

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Brighten up a boring room

As you may know if you follow me over on Instagram or Twitter, we took the unenviable decision to move house during a global pandemic. While it great because we had a lot of spare time to get the move sorted, it also meant we haven’t yet ventured out to shops to choose furniture and decor, so all our rooms still look like little empty boxes which is the complete opposite of our last house with it’s bright, rich colours and textured wallpapers!

The debate about a light fixture for our hallway has been rumbling on since October!

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Kogarashi Bao Buns

Kogarashi Bao Buns

If you’ve taken a wander through either Tynemouth Market or the Quayside market of late, you’ll have spotted Kogarashi.

The lovely bun slingers have found themselves a new permanent home in Newcastle.

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