Prodigy Fundraising tour for UK Mental Health Charities

Prodigy Fundraising tour for UK Mental Health Charities
11 dates, 11 cities in honour of the late, great Keith Flint with ALL profits going to CALM and MIND
Having raised £5,500 already The Cause – London’s DIY, underground dance space – is holding a UK-wide fundraiser in honour of Keith Flint with ticket sales going to partner charities dedicated to improving mental health and preventing suicide. 100% of ticket sales go to charity; 50% to
The CALMzone, 50% to Mind.

In memory of Keith Flint the music industry has rallied together in a matter of days and put this UK tour on, the teams aim to raise as much money as possible whilst bringing mental health awareness to the masses. Please help us raise much money by spreading the message further.
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Tram Driving at Beamish Museum

Tram Driving at Beamish Museum

What’s the most fun you can have on a Saturday evening? Oh, only driving Trams around an empty Beamish Museum.

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How to be more mindful every day…

Saving for Travel

In today’s digital age, the practise of mindfulness has become less and less prominent in people’s lives. More-often-than-not, and especially at work, we ‘zone-out’ or switch onto auto pilot.

My go to relaxation is reading, I read for at least 30 minutes a day, without fail and I know that no matter how hectic my day is, I have a block of time where I focus on nothing but the story.

Failing reading, I put on some loud music and dance around like Andrew W.K until all my cares have gone!

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Avoid an Excessive Spend at Christmas

Avoid an Excessive Spend at Christmas

I am guilty for buying crap I don’t need. I know this, I work on this. I am a sucker for a sale spend but this year I have been very restrained and cut down on those impulse purchases and needless junk from the sales just because it’s a “bargain”. I’ve stuck to only buying things I need!

This year, the company I work for decided to stop the corporate spending on cards to clients that rarely get looked at and instead donated the same value to a local Food Bank. With well over 150 items provided, we swapped spending for helping.

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You are not alone

You are not alone

Christmas time can be hard for many people and for many reasons. Remember you’re never truly alone and there’s a whole world of support and friendship out there.
