Coffee Week – 11th – 17th April

Harvest Canteen Jesmond Review

If you follow my Instagram account (here), you’ll know I am more than fond of a cup of coffee or 2 to get me through a long day in the office so you can imagine how I am celebrating Coffee Week this week!

I’m cracking open my latest bag of OCC beans as it happens but when the nice people at House of Fraser sent me a nifty info graphic all about the strong black liquid I knew I had to post it. I don’t know if I have mentioned it before but my first job at the tender age of 16 was in a House of Fraser restaurant where I spent Saturdays dishing out cappuccinos from a fancy coffee machine!

Coffee Week 11th - 17 April 2016

Coffee Week 11th - 17 April 2016Coffee Week 11th - 17 April 2016

1 Comment

  1. 12th April 2016 / 9:34 pm

    I’m also a coffee addict, can’t get through the day without the stuff! Some of the comments on the infographic made me chuckle actually, I think my office has one of each!

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