Travel : Bargain Packing Cubes

Travel : Bargain Packing Cubes

Hello Lovelies, 

I have some bargain packing cubes to tell you all about today!

I recently picked up a 4 pack of packing cubes from Ikea. Available in pink and navy. Each 4 pack is £5.

When you compare that to the market leaders from Eagle Creek which are around the £30+ mark or the Ebay copies for about £10, then the £5 sets from Ikea are just perfect.

The Upptacka set contains 4 polyester zippered bags which come in 4 different sizes including a shoe bag.

If you are not familiar with packing cubes, they are a god send for organising and packing. Not just for travels in your case but they are good for storing your seasonal clothes such as bikinis over winter or hats and scarfs over summer. Safe, secure and neat in one place. With 2 colours available,  you can colour coordinate with your partner or children so you know who has what.

In suit cases, you could pack each out fit in to its own cube so you can just grab and go, keep small items together, straighteners and tongs with their unruly cables or keep your dirty washing separate. They are perfect for camping or room sharing as you can just grab your wash bag and your days clothes in the cube and head to the shower without lugging clothes around.

Small – 25cm x 16cm
Medium – 33cm x 25cm
Large – 35cm x 25cm
Shoes – 43cm x 23cm

I always use packing cubes in my travel bags to put my electric cords in as the cubes are slim line and their soft structure means they can accommodate odd shaped items.

I do have some Eagle Creek packing cubes and they are incredibly well made but getting hold of them in the UK for a reasonable price is really hard so I am always on the look out for alternatives without resorting to the poor quality ebay jobbies.

If you travel a lot or are looking to get more organised, these are for you. At £5 you can’t go wrong!

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1 Comment

  1. 2nd July 2014 / 7:04 am

    Such a good idea! Will definitely have to pick some up before my holiday xx

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