What Katie Did #20

What Katie Did #20

Hello Lovelies,

Sorry I’m a day late with this, I usually start drafting my WKD during the week, adding photos to it as they occur but life has well and truly got in the way this week! Blimey!

Nothing much to report except that I reached my next big stone milestone on my diet journey which I am over the moon with considering I had attended a rather lavish night at Fat Buddha in Newcastle to celebrate it’s opening and then a Newcastle Fashion Week afternoon tea event, both of which were with my partner in blog-crime, Daniella. Keep your eyes peeled for a run down of these events in picture form, coming soon.

The reason I was late posting this yesterday is that I had foolishly volunteered to look after my friends 4yr old twins, Lillie & Alex, while she went out on a first date with another of my friends.

We spent the day at Adventure Valley, an huge adventure farm play park in the local area. We bounced, climbed and slid for 6hours before making a retreat back to the comfort of my house for Ipad colouring in and some comedy photos with the Photobooth app. Yes, I ache in places a grown woman is not meant to ache and double yes that I climbed to the top of the childs play frame and hid. That’s how I roll! I really enjoyed it, can’t wait for the next time but I think Mr Tramp and I are even more resolute that children are just not for us! ha!

I know I normally insert photos of my week here BUT… I think this photo is just awesome and sums up my entire week!

This is Lillie….


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  1. 4th June 2012 / 2:41 pm

    Aww thats so sweet, sounds like you had fun. I love babysitting and being able to give them back lol. I love my niece and nephew.

    • Katie at www.ladyfromatramp.co.uk
      4th June 2012 / 4:25 pm

      Oh yes, we both breathed a sigh of relief when their mam picked them up! HUZZAH!

      Living room looked like a bomb had hit it!

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