Syn Free Pizza

Syn Free Pizza

Hello Lovelies 

I tried this at the weekend after a bit of trepidation and I was suitably impressed. Bit of a taste sensation to get your head used to but if it’s another syn free take away alternative then it’s worth a try isn’t it?

What I will say is you’re best off making this base quite thick so that it is nice and firm. I used a 8″ frying pan and I probably wouldn’t go any larger than that. You can easily make 2 bases one after the other and bake them together.

Makes 1 pizza which serves 2 as a lunch snack or with accompaniments for tea or 1 very hungry slimmer! 


120-125g mashed potato flakes (Smash or stores own brand both work the same)
Boiling water
Fry Light
Mixed herbs
Garlic ( any form you like but not puree in a tube)
1-2tbsp Passata / tinned tomatoes (not puree)
Chilli flakes / tabasco (optional)
Topping – Ham and Mushroom for me, both are syn free so you can pile it high.
Grated Cheese – You can use your HEXA allowance for this or syn it.. Of course using the HEXA makes it syn free


Preheat your oven to 200 degrees 

In a large bowl, mix your mashed potato flakes with a little mixed herbs and garlic salt and with enough boiling water to make a firm dough, as if you were baking bread. Allow this to cool.

Once cool, warm a small frying pan and spray liberally with Fry Light to avoid sticking. 

With your hands and a spoon, mould the potato dough in to the frying pan in a giant patty that fills the pan completely. Make sure the base is even and there are no holes.

Fry on a medium heat for around 5 minutes on each side until a lovely deep golden brown colour. You will need to flip the base over using the plate and pan method so that it doesn’t break whilst flipping. Leave to cool on a wire rack to help the base crisp up.

In a bowl, mix your passata with your additional flavourings such as garlic herbs and spicyness and spread across the base.

Pile on your toppings and then lash on the cheese. Word of warning… I tried to use my 2 babybell lights grated on top and the melt wasn’t fantastic so definitely worth using the hard cheese HEXA option.

Put the pizza on a pizza tray / wire rack / grill pan and bake in the oven for 15 minutes or until the pizza base has deepend in colour and the cheese is bubbling away nicely.

You might need a knife and fork to eat this as the base is never going to be as rigid as a proper pizza but you can still pick it up. The only thing I can liken the base too is potatoe smiley faces. Crispy on the outside but fluffy and potatoey in the middle.

We thoroughly enjoyed this and I hope you do too!


    • Katie at
      7th February 2012 / 6:12 pm

      It really is like having a potato smiley face pizza.. and when you think about it.. pizza is awesome.. smiley faces are awesome… whats not to love!

      K x

  1. 7th February 2012 / 6:48 pm

    oh wow, may have to try doing this with my daughter. x

  2. 7th February 2012 / 7:23 pm

    This is something i NEED to try. Can’t quite rid my pizza craving on slimming world! Thanks for the recipe! xox

  3. Katie at
    7th February 2012 / 7:33 pm

    Let me know how you get on!

  4. 4th March 2012 / 2:36 am

    Pizza is know through out the world, you can enjoy it in any occasions, with friends, family, date? and even solo. My ultimate combo is pizza + coffee. I loved pizza! I’ll go try this one.


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