Bleach London Reincarnation Mask

Bleach London Reincarnation Mask

Hello Lovelies,

No matter how kind you usually are to your hair, Summer often leads us to some major follicle abuse. If it isn’t a head full of shiny high lights, it’s the cholrine, sun and endless heads of festival braids and dry shampoo. Poor hair!

I have been on top of hair conditioning and entrusting my bleachy needs to a professional but I am always on the look out for my next hair holy grail and I have found it.

The Bleach London Reincarnation Mask

Bleach London, the brain child of Alex Brownsell, not only have a kickass colouring HQ in London you can also find their products on the shelves of Boots. After seeing Kellie of Big Fashionista rave about the Reincarnation Mask, I had to check it out myself

The thick white conditioning mask has a light pleasant smell and applies easily straight from the tube. I use this every time I wash and it just makes my parched bleached hair feel slinky and infinitely stronger.

It has improved the texture of my naturally styled hair but the wow factor hits when I style my hair straight and sleek. The results are phenomonal.

If your hair is only mildly dry and damaged you could get away with using this as a weekly treatment but if like me you’re a slave to the bleach, using it regularly does nothing but go from strength to strength.

You can buy the Reincarnation Mask for £6 from Boots but haircare is quite often on special offer so it is worth keeping an eye out – your hair will thank you.

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1 Comment

  1. 8th August 2014 / 9:23 am

    I bought this on your recommendation and it is totally amazing! My hair isn’t dyed but it’s had years of over straightening and sun abuse so feels a bit frazzled, a few mins of this stuff this morning and it feels like baby hair.


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