What Katie Did #12

What Katie Did #12

Hello Lovelies,

Have you all had a lovely day?

We have had a chilled week in Tramp Towers. Lots of new projects starting that haven’t picked up speed yet so we’ve enjoyed some quiet time – YAY!

Today, when most people are gorging on chocs, I took myself off for what I planned to be a run along the coast but as I have a randomly mysterious calf injury (don’t ask – I don’t know how I’ve done it!) I decided on a nice long walk. We did Whitburn to Sunderland Glass Centre and back (6 mile). Don’t tell anyone but we stopped for a coffee and a scone at half time. After I ran up all the steps at Sunderland Marina I think I deserve it… and on the upside, I avoided those lovely seaside chips I love so much! mmm chippies!

As for posts on the site this week, here’s a little round up : 

KMS Flat Out Spray – HERE
MUA & Love Hearts Lip Balm – HERE
What I’m Wearing – HERE 
Gok Wan inspired shoe find with Kurt Geiger – HERE 
Easter Wishes – HERE

Catch you all during the week!


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