Update review : The budget Clarisonic aka Katie Sonic!

Update review : The budget Clarisonic aka Katie Sonic!
I’ve been using my Champneys’ version of the Clarisonic for ages now it seems and I have yet to tire of it. I just wish I could compare it side by side in use with a real Clarisonic for you all to complete the review so you have all the info.

 I received a lot of interest from other bloggers and beauty lovers via Twitter, my blog and via email. Kim over at Dottie K especially loved the idea and even blogged about it herself!

I’m overwhelmed that you all loved my little discovery. I’m just disappointed the price had jumped up since I bought mine….  BUT…..

I’m pleased to tell you, they are currently £9.99 on Amazon (with free saver delivery too!) So snap one up now! At the time of writing this, they had 10 in stock with more on the way.

One thing i’d like to show you is how I keep the heads clean and tidy and stored away whilst in the bathroom.

I use an old plastic pouch that No 7 make up accessories and mirrors come in. They are in with the make up tools rather than on the concession. 

The bag itself is a glorified tougher zip-loc bag, a bit like a pencil case! It’s not glamorous but it is jolly useful. I stock up on bits and bobs when Boots do the £5 voucher so the pouches are an added bonus!

Excuse the naff pictures, I was having to use my phone camera and fend the 2 cats off out the way (hence the odd stray cat hair!!)



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