Easter gifts for Foodies

Easter gifts for foodies

I’m one of those few rare people who don’t like Easter Eggs and never really have so I always seem to get a small gift instead.

Foodies are easy people to buy for: they’re happiest in the kitchen and are satisfied with perusing a menu or flipping through a recipe book. However, foodies – due the amount of time they spend beside the cooker – tend to have all the vital equipment they need.

Kitchenware and crockery isn’t the smartest gift idea as they’ll likely own everything they could ever need! And, unless they’re being served something they’ve never heard of, it’s probably no use taking them out for dinner. So, if you want to nail the perfect present for your foodie friend, check out these five fantastic ideas…

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Spaghetti Pie Recipe

spaghetti pie recipe

While browsing Twitter I spotted a recipe that Adam Richman had posted from his latest book – Spaghetti Pie. I was in that dreaded post lunch slump when I was counting down the minutes, seconds and hours until tea time and hit the jackpot.

Not a master piece but it hits the spot.https://www.ladyfromatramp.co.uk/category/food/

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