The Miners Arms, Medomsley, Consett

The Miners Arms Medomsley Review

Unless you are from certain part of Durham, the only time you have probably heard of Medomsley is it being the home of the ill fated Phileas Fogg crisps from yesteryear that revamped not that long ago.  Hopefully after you read this review, you’ll know that Medomsley is the home to a cracking country pub that you must visit called The Miners Arms.

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Buddha Lounge – Tynemouth

Buddha Lounge Tynemouth Review

Tynemouth has fast become a bustling mecca for wine bars and chic eateries. A place to be and be seen. We made the visit to check out Buddha Lounge. An asian restaurant tucked innocuously away next door to the famous Land of Green Ginger. Blink and you’ll miss the single doorway tucked away between Allards and Davanti’s.

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The Ultimate Chocolate Brownie Recipe

Everyone loves a chocolate brownie right? Everyone also swears their recipe is the best. It’s only natural but I wanted to share with you MY recipe. My thick, gooey, fudgey recipe.

My mouth is watering just looking at the pictures!

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Afternoon Tea – Jesmond Dene House, Newcastle

Jesmond Dene House Afternoon Tea

Did you know that it is really hard to single handedly fill the boot of a Mercedes with massive helium balloons? Planning a small impromptu baby shower was hard work! This is how my first trip to Jesmond Dene House for Afternoon Tea began and thankfully it ended on a much less stressful note!

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Carter & Fitch, Washington

Carter & Fitch Washington

Tucked away in the George Washington Hotel, Carter & Fitch is a new heavy hitter on the South of Tyne dining scene. Given the size of Washington and the captive audience of hotel guests, restaurants have always been lacking in the area.

This is where the £500,000 investment in the dining venue starts to earn its keep.

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